08/08/08 – A special date

8.jpgThe hugely popular wedding date 07/07/07 has come and gone, this year the ‘in’ date is  08/08/08. While the date shares much of the appeal of 7/7/07 there are other attractions to it.

The date is not only catchy but the number 8 is also considered very favourable in Chinese culture. The Chinese pronunciation for ‘eight’ (ba in Mandarin and paat in Cantonese) sounds similar to the word for ‘prosperity’ (fa in Mandarin and faat in Cantonese). The more eights involved in a couple’s lives, the better chance they have for luck and wealth (so get booking!). Numbers play a large role in choosing a wedding date for the Chinese (many Chinese couples are given a selection of auspicious days on which to marry). This applies to any special event in Chinese culture. In fact, the summer Olympics in Beijing will begin on 8/8/08, at 8:08 p.m.Along with the good luck associated with the number eight, 8/8/08 has a few other factors that might make it a desirable day to get married. August is always a popular month for weddings and when the numeral “8” is turned on its side, it becomes the symbol for infinity — a fitting motif to represent the beginning of a marriage!

The only thing going against the date is that it falls on a Friday which is less popular day than Saturday for weddings. If you’re into the idea of using significant numbers for your wedding date but don’t want to get married on a Friday, consider a Saturday in next June when the numbers line up in sequence, on 6/7/08.

If you aren’t getting married this year, don’t worry there is always 09/09/09, 10/10/10, 11/11/11 and 12/12/12! 

20 comments on “08/08/08 – A special date

  1. I love this date 08/08/08 we got married on the friday and had a
    fantastic day,weather gorgeous as well to top it all off.
    Will never forget it as long as i live best day of my life,would
    do it all over again in the morning if i could,remember it like yesterday.


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  4. “If you’re into the idea of using significant numbers for your wedding date but don’t want to get married on a Friday, consider a Saturday in next June when the numbers line up in sequence, on 6/7/08.”

    Comment: It could have been a good thought, except that NEXT June, the last two numbers will be ’09’

  5. Pingback: 08-08-08 « Studio-Z Weblog

  6. I was just asking the same question today 08-08-08 to find out what the word was for numbers and words the same forwards or backwards and the description is as follows – I hope its helps

    A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or other sequence of units that has the property of reading the same in either direction (the adjustment of punctuation and spaces between words is generally permitted).

  7. I am 58 years old today 08-08-08. I do think it is a very special day with so many eights in it for me. 8 Is also the number of the heart of men as well as the heart of God. Therefore my whole inner-self is focused on my beloving God and Heavenly Father to bless me today.

  8. I am not getting married… But, it is my birthday and I’ve been looking forward to the date for a long time… since 08/08/88…
    Happy birthday Marcia… sorry, I do not know the word for dates such as 08-08-08..

  9. It’s funny you asked this today as I sent a request to a national radio station jsut this morning and asked them to ask their listeners for the ‘word’ as I am getting quite a few requests for it! I will let you know of amy feedback I get.

  10. There is a word for dates such as 08-08-08 where all numbers are the same. I also heard it several years ago and need to find the term. Can you help me? 08/08/08 is my birthday and a very special one. I heard the term on the television and since then nobody seems to know about it.

  11. The Foundation of Peace Requests Peace!

    We Request the ‘Moment of Peace Project’ on 08/08/08 at 08:08 a.m.

    Chicago, IL-The Foundation of Peace Community Project immediately requests your participation in “The Moment of Peace Project” scheduled for 08/08/08 at 08:08 a.m. Please start planning your Moment of Peace Project now!

    “What if we could stop all conflict in the world for just one moment,” asked event organizer, Irina Lyubashevsky. “Would that moment have the possibility to lead to another moment of no conflict – of peace? I believe it can. Peace is not something that we need to fight for. Peace is something we need to create together.”

    I request that you participate in the Moment of Peace project. It’s easy and anyone and everyone can do it. Just observe a moment of peace on 08/08/08 at 08:08 a.m. in your time zone – wherever you are – with whoever you are with. You are also free to create your own Moment of Peace event or party wherever you want; e.g. your places of worship, public parks, work, coffee houses, health clubs, etc. Virtually anywhere you want peace.

    “If the world could just stop for one moment of universal peace, we can create peace together. Together we can watch a wave of peace wash over our Earth,” Lyubashevsky added.

    Please register with us (a friend request) at http://www.myspace.com/thefoundationofpeace and share how you are organizing your Moment of Peace Event so others may attend and be inspired to host their own event. We’re going to be tracking this project as it goes global.

  12. For those folks who are still looking for a venue for your wedding on 08/08/08, we have just the perfect place. We can accommodate wedding parties up to 50 people. The Colorado Rocky Mountains is the perfect backdrop for a small gathering of friends. We are just 10 miles west of Colorado Springs in the Pikes Peak area. Email us at info@eastholme

  13. There is a word for dates such as 08-08-08 where all numbers are the same. I heard it several years ago and need to find the term. Can you help me?

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